Boat safety check Predeparture Checklist What is the boat number you are on?(Required)Ask staff memberWhat is your order number?(Required)Ask staff memberPlease check the following.(Required) 1. Lifejackets on boat 2. Kids under 6 (Lifejackets) 3. Throwable device 4. Sound producing device (Whistle) 5. Fire extinguisher 6. Anchor and line 7. Ladder Please check the foloowing.(Required) 1. Registration & sticker decal 2. Checked Fuel (Fuel tank was full) 3. Map of area (Instructed on local waterways) 4. Contact Info (If you need help on the water) 5. Showed you how to use google maps on the water Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)MoblieEmail(Required) What was name of our staff member who conducted your predepature check?(Required)